Social Distancing Presents The Perfect Opportunity To Update Your Website

Boring, isn’t it… Cooped up indoors, especially now the weather’s getting better, but we all have to do our bit… We’re all soldiers in this war against Coronavirus but if your business has ground to a halt, perhaps this window of  time presents you with the opportunity to come out of the other end fighting fit, and with your website blowing a fanfare that says you’re ready to start trading again!

Ok, I know some of you guys may have suddenly become teachers in your own home-based classrooms but when you get a bit of me-time, switch off the news and start digging into the web to check out your competition and see if there are any lessons to be learned.

Keeping on top of your brand

Get yourself a pen and paper and start making some notes — what are your competitors doing with their websites?… Not just locally but nationally and internationally. And I’m not suggesting you just start copying them, just looking to them for inspiration because once all this is over the economy will need a kick start and you want your brand to be in the driving seat.

If you don’t manage your own website, take some screenshots of ideas you like or even bookmark the links so your web designer can start to implement the updates.

Social media

Right now it’s more important than ever to keep on top of your social media but, again, if you struggle with that, take a look at the competition and take a leaf from their books. Check which of their posts get the most interaction and try to keep people interested and aware — especially if you’re a local business. The way local communities have rallied together during this pandemic has been nothing short of awe-inspiring and that will live long in people’s memories as businesses try to rebuild when we’re through this.

How have I been affected?

Well, here at Leeming Design it’s pretty much business as usual. I’m lucky in that I have a wide-ranging client base and there’s always someone that needs something doing — that hasn’t changed. I’m even getting new work enquiries which is surprising, given the situation, but I’m taking my own advice in writing this article because it’s something I don’t often get the time or inspiration to do.

Hopefully it helps someone out there, though.

Take care for now and I believe ‘stay safe‘ has become the phrase.

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